What is The Pursuing Life?
The Pursuing Life is a community of people that walk alongside each other while we explore questions about spirituality, equality, justice, culture, mental health, and religion. As a progressive Christian, I understand that many issues are not black and white. The Pursuing Life wrestles with the hard questions knowing that there may not be a definitive answer, everyone may not agree, and the journey may be ever evolving. We strive to be a community centered in grace as each individual seeks their own truth.
Sometimes instead of a set of rules for Christian living, we simply want to find God. It might be messy, but it is authentic. The Pursuing Life is a place to find refuge in God. It is a place to find spiritual renewal, and it is a place to be your authentic self and find God in the process. The Pursuing Life knows that spiritual growth does not happen in one day, in one encounter, or in one conversation, but that spiritual growth is an ongoing pursuit of who God is and what He is about. Take a look around, check out how I got started, and feel free to join our Facebook group as we dig in to the hard conversations in community.